Hello and welcome to the loom rooms podcast. Four years ago, the alpha course at the Bishop starford community church drew a group of people who were hungry for something more. These were people with drug addictions, mental health problems, people living in homelessness and people who were just outta prison.
They were all gathered. They had questions. Questions became answers and doubt became faith. As members of that alpha group made the life changing decision. That Jesus is the only one who can forgive sins and that he brings real life and new beginnings. The loom group was born out of the desire of the group members to stay connected to each other, as they sort to grow in their new found faith.
Over the years, the group has grown changed and developed as new members have been add. Seeking as we ever did, to be real, to share, honestly, to learn about God's love and to grow together into God's great tapestry of grace out of the loom group is birthed the loom rooms podcast and LL be your host, Matt, as regularly.
We'll talk with people whose lives have been changed by the person of Jesus. Please join us on this journey. As in each episode, we'll be talking with different guests together. We'll learn about their individual stories of how those who once counted themselves as lost have now been found. Welcome to the loom rooms podcast.